Sobriety, for me, is a gift from God. I have asked myself
and my higher power the questions and want to share where I am in my journey
concerning each of these.
First, "Why am I an alcoholic?" When I asked
this question of another alcoholic, he answered, "So you can reach out to
another sick and suffering alcoholic." I know that is part of my 12-step
program, to reach out to others who can be helped by my sharing my experience,
strength, and hope regarding my disease. When I asked my sponsor, she said,
"Why not?" That answer stopped me in my tracks. What did she mean,
"why not?" After I thought about the response, I had to agree with
her. Why not? I could have been born with diabetes, or be suffering from heart
disease, or dealing with any other disease know to the medical community. But
the disease I have to deal with, learn about, and learn to control on a daily
basis, is alcoholism. Why me? Why not?
The next question I ask myself is "What is the
purpose of my life with this disease?"
and then... "What am I supposed to do with this
knowledge and information?"
I continue to review my life and ask my higher power to
reveal the answers to these questions, so I can share my experience, strength, and hope with others.
The purpose of life for me is to live. I happen to be an alcoholic my life sucks if I am actively drinking and using. Thanks for keeping up with you blog! I enjoy reading it. I got clean and sober with the help of a sober living called New Life House. Check out their site if you are looking for help. New Life House - A Structured Sober Living